What Is MAS?

Service on the MAS Executive Board is open to any professional or student MAS member. Board members pay no membership dues and attend all MAS seminars for free! Working with the MAS board is an excellent way to be of service to the acupuncture community, build professional contacts, and make a difference! Board members serve for a term of two years and serve for no more than three consecutive terms in the same office.
If you are interested in board service, contact the MAS president at: president@marylandacupuncturesociety.org

Denise Tyson

Lindy Burns
Vice President of Internal Affairs

Sara Novak
Vice President of External Affairs

Cory Glasgow
Board Member at Large

Cindy Tran

Yvonne Zhang

Hunter Thompson
Board Member at Large

Li Ying (Kathy) Diao
Board Member at Large

Vice President of Public Affairs

Student Liaison

Hannah Massey (VUIM)
Student Liaison

Our Philosophy
The MAS works to promote acupuncture and Asian medicine, support and represent practitioners, and disseminate information. The MAS:
- encourages integration of diverse methods of acupuncture and Asian medicine into Maryland health care
- advocates our medicine in the community
- promotes consumer education, freedom of choice, and affordable access to all medical care
- works with other health care providers for the wellness of the clients.
MAS is committed to upholding high professional standards for members.