The total price for this course is $95 with CEU/PDA. Get started getting your PDA with a $20 registration fee by enrolling in the course on this page using the “Pay $20” button, then pay the balance of $75 for the course content separately on If you do not want CEU or PDA just purchase the content on
The course is based on a video recording of the live webinar which took place October 16th, 2021. Those who attended the original webinar are already enrolled in the course and marked as passing the course. The NCCAOM Certificates were sent to attendees of the original webinar by email if they were present at the entire webinar. Those who registered for the course but could not attend are enrolled, but will need to watch the video content, fill out the NCCAOM worksheet and take the final quiz to get a certificate.
To find out more about the PDA process, visit the summary of the course process. And to see what it is like to hear the instructor speaking, visit the page Watch the Video Trailer to see Evan Rabinowitz speaking.
About The Class:
Tongue diagnosis is one of the pillars of Chinese medicine. It is a crucial skill in these times that require flexibility in clinical practice. Tongue diagnosis becomes an essential tool when other sensory input is reduced, for example in telemedicine or in some in-person treatment environments. Take this opportunity to refine and expand your diagnostic insights!
Tongue diagnosis is an easy skill to learn because it is visible, concrete, and easy to explain. It provides us clear, tangible, and objective information about patients’ health. Most of us are only introduced to a basic tongue map with organ correspondences, but there are many subtle and specialty correlations to integrate as part of your regular diagnosis.
Evan has spent the last several years documenting and studying, using high quality photos of patients’ tongue. These pictures have helped him track changes, predict disease and to explore alternative diagnostic models. The tongue is a remarkable example of a microsystem where the whole of the body can be observed. This class will move beyond the basic organ model, expanding tongue diagnostics to reveal common gynecological conditions.
About NCCAOM PDA: 6 NCCAOM PDA are available for this class.
This Class Includes:
Introduction to tongue diagnosis (for beginners and for experienced practitioners a calibration to basic principles)
Diagnostic method: Step-by step method of moving from the big picture to increasingly more subtle information
Dynamic Tongue Assessment (an innovative technique that Evan has been exploring)
Movement of Qi on the tongue
Qi & Blood Stasis on the tongue
Gynecological Areas of the tongue: breast, uterus and ovaries
Signs of breast cancer on the tongue
Signs of fibroids and cysts on the tongue
Chong Mai and Ren Mai findings on the tongue
Acupuncture and herbal medicine suggestions for the treatment of common GYN conditions
And more!
About Evan Rabinowitz
Dr. Evan M. Rabinowitz is the former Director of Chinese Herbal Medicine at the Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH) where during his 8-year tenure he helped create the University’s Masters and Doctorate programs in Oriental Medicine. Currently, he is a professor at Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts, Asheville. He is a lecturer at Georgetown University School of Medicine’s Integrative Medicine Program, Washington, DC.
He was formerly an instructor and Chinese herbal supervisor at the Academy for Five Element Acupuncture, Gainesville. Evan has an active private teaching schedule offering continuing education for practitioners across the country and internationally. Evan has been studying extensively with Jeffrey Yuen for the last eighteen years. He is the founder of Yao Shan Center for Chinese Medicine in Washington, DC. where he has maintained his clinical practice for the last 20 years. He is a graduate of the George Washington University (B.A.), Traditional Acupuncture Institute (M.Ac.) and Maryland University of Integrative Health (D.Ac.).
Full MAS Live Webinar Recording & NCCAOM PDA Policy
All registrants of a live webinar are eligible to view the recording of that live webinar at no additional cost when it is available. Recordings are usually available within 1-2 weeks after a live webinar.
If you attend the live webinar for the duration of the webinar, you will automatically receive your PDA certificate via email usually within 1-2 weeks of the live webinar event.
If you registered for the live event, but did not attend the live event, or only attended a portion of the entire live webinar event, you will NOT be eligible to receive live webinar PDA. However, you will be eligible to receive Distance Learning PDA if you view the webinar recording, take the Distance Learning exam, and complete the worksheet. There is no additional cost to take the Distance Learning exam if you registered for the live webinar but are ineligible for the Live PDA (either because you missed the entire life webinar or you missed portions of the live webinar).