MAS In Person Workshop – Motor Point & Trigger Point Therapy with Doron Ben Dov – 8-16 PDA
9:00 am - 5:00 pm United States Eastern Time Zone
Nourishing Journey Nourishing Journey 8975 Guilford Rd #170 Columbia MD
For the FIRST TIME in 4 years, MAS is bringing back in-person courses. Join us for a unique 2 day course on motor points and trigger point therapy. Designed for licensed practitioners, this course will provide a comprehensive overview of trigger point and motor point locations. Doron will also touch on principles of injection therapy as many of these points correspond to injectables regions of muscles and tendons. Choose between registering for 1 day (8 NCCAOM PDA), or both days (16 PDA). Register today! the class will be limited to only 20 registrants for each day. If a one day ticket is sold, that will shrink the number of 2 day tickets available, but will not change the number of tickets for the other day.
The date above shows March 17th. What that means is that the first day of this two day event was held on March 3rd and it is no longer possible to register for 2 days or for the first day, and the second day will be on March 17th with registrations still open for that day.
Lunch Available for Purchase Second Day
About The Class:
- The course is a comprehensive trigger point therapy seminar. We will utilize diagnostic measures to better understand anatomical landmarks and depth of needle insertion.
- The course will cover upper regions on Day 1 and lower body regions on Day 2
Morning Session: Trigger point therapy history as well as conditions that it is most appropriate to treat. We will discuss: Incidence rate of trigger point in the healthy population as in those seeking medical care. Contributing and perpetuating factors for trigger points Effects of myofascial points on somatic function, Venus and lymphatic drainage and autonomic functions. Techniques for treatment of trigger points including soft tissue techniques, cooling with stretch, deep massage, injections etc.
Afternoon Session: Palpatory techniques for diagnosing trigger points. Facial and cervical points (including Temporalis, Masseter, Occipitalis, Splenius Capitis, Levator Scapulae,Sternalcleidomastoid,Scalenes). Shoulder girdle and thoracic points.(Including Infraspinatus, Supraspinatus,Serratus anterior, Deltoid,Trapezius,Teres Minor & Major,Pectoralis. Arm and Forearm points( Including, Brachioradialis, Triceps and Biceps, Palmaris Longus) Abdominal Points(Including, McBurney point, External Obliques) Identifying Red flags
Goals and Objectives
- Learn how to interpret, diagnose, and treat myofascial points to enhance our clinical diagnostic and treatment skills
- Learn to detect causes that lead to impaired circulation and postural changes that can potentially lead to chronic pain
- Learn hands-on how to get the twitch response on any muscle
- palpate using different techniques to diagnose trigger points
About Doron Ben Dov, MS, LAc, CPT
Doron Ben Dov MS, Lac: Doron is a licensed acupuncturist and an integrative medicine provider. He is a partner at Baltimore Pain Management as well as faculty professor at Virginia university of Integrative Medicine. Doron additionally works at research in LifeBridge-Sinai hospital. Doron gives regular courses and talks throughout the year in the field of integrative pain medicine.
A standard price is used for the seminar, with discount coupons for MAS members and affiliates. Enter the coupon when booking your registration to see the discount.
- Non-member price: $500 both days, $350 one day.
- MAS Member: $400 both days, $250 one day
- MAS Student Member: same as MAS member
- 10% Discount ASA members with code
Cancellation Policy:
Cancel by March 1st 2024 – 75% refund
Cancel after March 1st 2024 – no refund
If you are not a member of the Maryland Acupuncture Society you are not eligible for any membership discount code and will not see one on the page above. However, if you are a licensed acupuncturist, you may join the MAS by using the sign up now button below, then come back to the event page to see your discount code. This form will create a standard professional membership, if you would like a different level, you can select the change link on the membership form.
[pmpro_signup level=2]
Once you have a discount code, enter it in the box at the bottom of the registration booking form.
Important Registration Instructions: Everyone – MAS Members and Non-MAS Members must LOG IN to the MAS website in order to register for live MAS events.
If you are an MAS member, you can login with the email where you receive MAS email communications.
If you are not an MAS member, but you receive MAS emails (or have attended MAS seminars in the past), then you may ALREADY be a subscriber and you can login with the email where you receive MAS email communications.
If you are not a member or a subscriber, you may register (for free) as a subscriber HERE(scroll down to the blue middle button that says register now)
Members and Subscribers who don't remember or have not yet set up their passwords can set/reset them HERE.
This event is fully booked.